Focus on Culture Individual Subscriber
CourseCLR revolution happens in two ways: a change in mindset and in skillset. Focus on Culture is the foundational training to develop your CLR mindset and skillset. One individual subscriber only. Contact [email protected] with questions.
Responsive Classroom Management-Individual Subscriber
CourseIn this course, teachers will learn to separate out cultural behaviors from disruptive behaviors and learn specific activities and protocols designed to help them teach students differently. Contact [email protected] with questions.
Responsive Academic Vocabulary Individual Subscriber
CourseTeachers learn how to build academic vocabulary while validating and affirming students' cultural vocabularies. Academic strategies such as the personal thesaurus are included. Whole group presentation and a live Q&A session with Dr. Hollie.
Responsive Academic Literacy Individual Subscriber
CourseThis course delves into the use of culturally responsive text, by focusing and modeling effective literacy strategies as well as applications for use with content area textbooks. This is meant for the individual subscriber.
Cultural Behavior Tutorial Bundle
BundleYou can choose the individual bundle for $150, the single school bundle for $1,500 which includes 150 participants or a district bundle for $5,000 and up to 750 participants. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.