Cultural Behavior Tutorial Bundle
BundleYou can choose the individual bundle for $150, the single school bundle for $1,500 which includes 150 participants or a district bundle for $5,000 and up to 750 participants. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Cultural Behavior District Bundle
BundleYou can choose the individual bundle for $150, the single school bundle for $1,500 which includes 150 participants or a district bundle for $5,000 and up to 750 participants. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Cultural Behavior Site Bundle
BundleYou can choose the individual bundle for $150, the single school bundle for $1,500 which includes 150 participants or a district bundle for $5,000 and up to 750 participants. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Cultural Behavior Tutorial #1 Eye Contact
CourseThis tutorial is a deep dive into the cultural behavior of eye contact. In this tutorial, you will view a video, reflect on and deepen your CLR mindset, and grow your CLR skillset around eye contact.
Preview-Cultural Behavior Tutorial #1 Eye Contact
CourseThis tutorial is a deep dive into the cultural behavior of eye contact. In this tutorial, you will view a video, reflect on and deepen your CLR mindset, and grow your CLR skillset around eye contact.
Cultural Behavior Tutorial #2 Proximity
CourseThis tutorial is a deep dive into the cultural behavior of proximity. In this tutorial, you will view a video, reflect on and deepen your CLR mindset, and grow your CLR skillset around proximity.